Campbell Mattinson

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Review: Thymiopoulos Xinomavro Young Vines 2021

Thymiopoulos Young Vines Xinomavro 2021. This is real, this is good.

Thymiopoulos Young Vines Xinomavro 2021 is a wine worth buying. It’s a Greek red from Macedonia in the Naoussa region, and apart from the price – mid $30s in Australia and sometimes lower – what I really like is the realness of it. It has no oak flavour, a good start. It has quality mid-weight fruit, and quality tannin, but not too much of either, and not too little either. The flavours here – an assortment of red berries – feel fresh, and free, and crunchy and natural. It’s a quality drink. Unadorned and unfettered. I recommended this wine. I wish there were more like it. It’s good value too.

Importer: Deja Vu.
Winery: Thymiopoulos Vineyards
Reviews: Reviews of various Thymiopoulos Vineyards wines on The Winefront.