Australia’s most active wine library, with more than 300,000 wine entries, and a community the likes of which exists nowhere else in Australian wine.

The Winefront is Australia’s most active wine library, with more than 300,000 wine entries, covering wine ratings, wine reviews and consumer opinions. It was, in 2002, the first Australian wine media outlet to go entirely digital. It’s active for its reviews – 60,000+ unique reviews/articles, posted daily, plus 240,000+ user opinions, comments and buying alerts – but also for its community, the likes of which exists nowhere else in Australian wine. It’s an inclusive site, bustling, real, lively, fearless, free-ranging and honest. Over the past 22 years The Winefront has established itself as a reliable, 100% independent authority on wine but more importantly, as a two-way conversation with its fellow lovers of wine.

The Winefront takes nothing for granted. Not the wines, not the producers, not its subscribers, not its friends, not its reputation or its respect. On all these things it works hard.

Unlike most wine media outlets around the world, The Winefront does not accept any advertising from wineries. It also does not charge any fee to wineries to have their wines reviewed.

The Winefront has never and will never run an "advertorial" or “sponsored content” or “content promotions” of any kind. The Winefront sees all sponsored content as the death of independence.

The Winefront team consists of Gary Walsh, Mike Bennie, Kasia Sobiesiak, Curly Haslam-Coates and myself. We do the formal reviewing. The Winefront community though runs into the thousands, and is itself part of the team.

This is the importance of The Winefront: it doesn’t report on the goings on of wine; it is the goings on of wine. It covers wine, it rates wine, it give an honest, independent opinion.